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What Time of Year Should You Buy a Boat?

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

Read below for some advantages and disadvantages of buying a boat during Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.

Ask a boat broker, and they will tell you the common questions boat buyers ask.

"Is this the right time to buy a boat"?

"Will I get a better deal during the boat show"?

"What time of year will I get the best deal"?

The short answer is, when you find your dream boat, buy it! It ultimately doesn't matter what time of year you buy, because, every season has its advantages and disadvantages - and the most important thing is, you get the boat you want!

At United City Yachts, we set boat prices based on market conditions - which means prices are not affected by the time of year. The best deal you will get on your dream boat, is right now!

Why buy a boat in the FALL (Mid September - November)

Surprisingly, fall might be one of the best times to buy your dream boat. Sellers are preparing to winterize and store, boating season is basically over (in most instances), and you could potentially enjoy the best value of the year.

Advantages to buying a boat in the fall:

1) You can still use the boat during some of the most beautiful times of the year.

2) You get to use the boat before it gets winterized and stored and you get an idea of what upgrades or changes you want to make, then have all winter to plan and implement.

3) You get to see the boat in the water and complete a water test (instead of being in storage and covered up).

4) You can learn the abilities and limitations of the boat, allowing you all winter to plan that epic trip the following boating season!

5) You get to pick the marina that stores and winterizes your boat. This means you can access it quicker in the spring and possibly even work on it during the winter.

Disadvantages to buying during the fall:

1) Depending on how late in the fall, you might have limited opportunities to use the boat, but see above because, in this situation, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!

2) You are responsible for winterization and storage. Make sure during the buying process, you have found a reputable place to keep your boat over winter (if applicable).

Why buy a boat during the WINTER (December - February)

Many boat buyers believe they are going to get the best deal during the winter, or during the boat show season. This isn't necessarily true, especially for pre-owned boats. Our boat prices are based on market conditions and we have not seen many price decreases because of the time of year.

Advantages to buying a boat during the winter:

1) The boat is already in storage and winterized, meaning you don't need to deal with it yourself!

2) If you buy the boat locally, you might be able to keep the dock it belonged to, or stay with the marina that stored it.

Disadvantages to buying a boat during the winter:

1) You cannot water test the boat until the spring and this could cause delays in completing the transaction.

2) When you see the boat, it will likely be wrapped up in shrink wrap and winterized.

3) You won't have the chance to get a feel for the boat and determine what upgrades or changes you wish to make until the spring when you'll like be more interested in enjoying it.

4) The boat will remain at the facility it's stored in until the spring, and you are subject to their scheduling for the spring launch.

Why buy a boat in the SPRING (March, April, May, June)

Spring might be the most exciting time to buy a boat! You are filled with excitement and are eager to get it in the water as soon as the ice melts.

Advantages to buying a boat in the Spring:

1) You get to go boating almost immediately!!

2) You get the remainder of Spring all of the Summer and Fall to enjoy the water.

3) It gives you a bit of time to figure out any upgrades and changes you want to make. That said, you might not implement any changes until the following winter.

Disadvantages to buying a boat in the Spring:

1) You likely haven't water tested the boat and likely don't know how it will run yet - this can cause delays in the transaction.

2) You might need to wait for the boat to be removed from storage (depending on the time of year and marina location) to view it, test it and decide to make an offer.

Why buy a boat during SUMMER

(July - Mid September)

Summertime = prime boating season!! The days are long, the water is warm, and you can enjoy every aspect of boating.

Advantages to buying a boat in the Summer:

1) The boat is in the water, it has been running for a while, and you get to experience the boat during the buying process (with an arranged water test).

2) Depending on timing, you could have months to enjoy the boat after the deal occurs. This will give you ample time to explore, learn about your new boat and determine any upgrades or changes you want to make in the winter.

3) When you get your boat, you can use it immediately. That sort of instant satisfaction is amazing!

4) You get ample time to enjoy the boat the way you bought it, this provides you time to plan on upgrades and changes you might want.

Disadvantages to buying a boat in the Summer:

1) There is more competition in the marketplace, meaning there could be multiple people interested in the boat you want.

2) Depending on what month you find your new boat, your time to enjoy it during the summer could be limited. It takes a bit of time to conduct surveys, water tests, offers and transfer of funds. At United City Yachts, we have streamlined all of these items to get you boating quicker!

3) There might be some items that require upgrade or updating before enjoying it, and that can carve into valuable summer boating time.

4) You will need to consider winterization and services required during mid-season (be proactive). Something boaters hate thinking about, but it is a requirement of owning a boat.

Our goal for writing this article is to demonstrate that there is no "perfect time of year" to buy a boat. When you find that boat, the one you want - buy it!

Our team at United City Yachts is here to help. Visit our website or contact a broker today to get started on your boat-buying journey! Click here to explore our boat listings.

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