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When Should You List Your Boat For Sale

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

If you ask a broker, the answer is “Now”!

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This is likely because a good yacht broker knows that selling a boat is a process that can take longer to accomplish than a boat seller may be prepared for. Is it possible to take a few smartphone pics, post them online, and sell the boat within days or weeks? Sure. However, this is rare, and when it does happen, money is typically left “on the table”.

To get the most value for your boat, it is best to take a few steps; Clean it well (a professional will usually find dirt you didn’t know existed), Remove clutter, capture high-quality visual media like video and virtual tours, and build a detailed written description, then ensure it is advertised widely.

Seasonally, your best chances of a sale are in the spring, but remember - List your boat at least a few weeks prior in order to have the best chances of a sale.

Spring - March, April, May, June - High season, the busiest and when the majority of boats are sold in Canada. Challenges exist for surveys and any needed repairs since travel lifts, and marine trades can be very busy.

Summer - July, August, September - Typically considered the “steady” season. Properly priced and well-advertised boats are selling but without the urgency associated with spring.

Fall - October - November - Slow, with the exception of a typically quick rally in October. Fall sales can be harder fought; Buyers are typically looking for slightly lower prices. Sellers like a fall sale because it gets the boat “off the books” and allows them to not worry about winterizing/storing/launching. Also, it allows a seller to start shopping for their next boat over the winter

Winter - December, January, February, March - Slow, with the exception of the flurry of activity around January boat show season. Depending on the weather, March can see increased activity. United City Yachts sells approximately 30% of total inventory from Oct. However, this is the time of year to prepare to sell your boat and get it ready for the Spring High Season.

Your broker at United City Yachts can guide you through this process, arrange cleaning, and is responsible for creating professional cutting-edge visual media, a detailed description, and all of the advertising and showings for your vessel.

Please contact us today, we want to earn your business!

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